AerialFormer: Multi-resolution Transformer for Aerial Image Segmentation

Published in Arxiv, 2023

Aerial Image Segmentation is a top-down perspective semantic segmentation and has several challenging characteristics such as strong imbalance in the foreground-background distribution, complex background, intra-class heterogeneity, inter-class homogeneity, and tiny objects. To handle these problems, we inherit the advantages of Transformers and propose AerialFormer, which unifies Transformers at the contracting path with lightweight Multi-Dilated Convolutional Neural Networks (MD-CNNs) at the expanding path. Our AerialFormer is designed as a hierarchical structure, in which Transformer encoder outputs multi-scale features and MD-CNNs decoder aggregates information from the multi-scales. Thus, it takes both local and global contexts into consideration to render powerful representations and high-resolution segmentation. We have benchmarked AerialFormer on three common datasets including iSAID, LoveDA, and Potsdam. Comprehensive experiments and extensive ablation studies show that our proposed AerialFormer outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods with remarkable performance. Our source code will be publicly available upon acceptance.

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